
(Sep.10, 2007)

Ai-koku-shin means a love of one's country. I believe that it is quite natural for Japanese to have feelings of love toward Japan.

In the world, there are many people who lost their national identities. Most of them are innocent of their denatinalization. They were just caught up in the violent current of the times.

For example, Malay Peninsula was once a British colony. After then, the Pacific War began and Japanese Imperial Army occupied the area. After the war, Japanese retreated from there and reintegrated into British colony. In this area, Malayan, Indian, and overseas Chinese.

Sooner or later, all of the colonies in Malay Peninsula won independence. Singapore and Malaysia were no exception. However, in the process to their independence, many overseas Chinese returned to the mainland China, but they were treated cruelly during the Cultural Revolution, deserted to Hong Kong. and then, forced to be denationalized.

Of course, there are many other types of stateless persons in the world. They may be Russians, Jewish, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans. Whatever their original identities may be, they all have patriotic sentiment toward their native lands. I think this sentiment is simply beautiful .

On the other hand, it is now really controversial in Japan whether the significance of patriotism should be written in the national constitution to be revised in the future or the fundamental law of education. In my view, this circumstance clearly shows that Japanese are seriously peace-addicted. In Japan, it was once said that the essence of education was summarized in the words, "Kei-ten, Ai-jin" [Respect for God, love people"]. I think that our love of Japan can be extended to our neighbors, our local communities, and all of the people on this planet.

投稿者: jsb 日時: 2007年09月10日 08:40



