A treasure of Fukui

A treasure of Fukui
(Dec.12, 2006)

Kitamae-bune was once the only and the most important method of Japanese carriage from the 17th through the middle of the 19th century. This great sea route connected the three biggest cities, Edo (Tokyo), Naniwa (Osaka), Kyoto to Ezo-chi (Hokkaido) by way of Fukui. The main cargo of Kitamae-bune was giant kelp grown in the sea of Hokkaido. The raw kelp was processed in Fukui, and then, transported to the end-consumers in the big cities.

The trading area of Kitamae-bune was not confined within Japan, but spread even to China. The dried kelp was exported to China via Ryukyu (Okinawa). Kitamae-bune played the main role in such a great sea trading.

In Fukui, there were many owners of Kitamae-bune. Kitamae-bune brought enormous wealth to them and the people in the areas along the Sea of Japan.
Unfortunately, these areas are now unvalued. However, looking back at the great history of Kitamae-bune, it is obvious that such a view is simply prejudiced. I see a great economical potential of Fukui in the history of Ktamae-bune.

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投稿者: jsb 日時: 2006年12月12日 08:40



